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Every owner and resident of Linwood Place is a member of the Linwood Place Neighborhood Association.  Support the LPNA and its numerous activities by paying your annual dues.


Your dues support:

  • Communications like the Trolley Stop newsletter and neighborhood website

  • Social activities like the Summer picnic, Independence Day celebration, and December sleigh ride

  • Maintenance, beautification and improvements of our common green spaces

  • Organization of our Historic Homes Tour and Garden Tour

  • Topics and discussion at our Spring and Fall General Meetings


Annual dues are $50 per household (or $25 for a single membership) and can be easily paid online below or by check payable to LPNA and mailed to:


LPNA Treasurer

PO Box 75672

Oklahoma City, OK 73147


If you are a resident and want to find out if you have paid dues for the year, you may visit the RESIDENTS page to view a list of paid members. This page is password protected, to receive the password please e-mail

Household Membership

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Single Membership

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Not a resident of Linwood and want to make a donation? Click the link below! Your donation helps maintain our common areas and funds future neighborhood projects.

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